What we do
Fish Farming courses available
General Fish harvesting, Fish pond farming ,Brooding and nursery of fish, Fertilization of pond water and Diseases and Predators
Fish Farming
There are 105 types of breams but there are only five types of breams suitable for aquaculture(fish farming).
Tilapia Mossambicus
The mozambique tilapia is a cichlid fish native to the southern Africa. Its popular fish for aquaculture
Tilapia Rendalli
Tilapia Rendalli-Red breasted bream,found widely in sub-saharan africa. Its natural habitats are fresh water lakes.
Tilapia Macrochir
Tilapia macrochir is a species of cichild native to the Zambezi basin. this species reaches a maximum length of 43cm
Tilapia Niloticus
Niloticus - Banded bream, Kariba bream,Chambwa,White bream.Fast growth and good mothering ability
Tilapia Sparrmanii
Tilapia sparrmanii the banded tilapia or vlei kurper is a widespread and adaptable cichlid fish that is found in warmer freshwater habbits of sothern africa